Supreme Digital Acrylic & Gouache Brushes Version 1.0
27 photoshop brushes that imitate traditional acrylic and gouache tools! (dry, wet, thick, dense, quick stroke brushes ) Only quality, useful brushes here! Trey are perfect for illustrators, concept artists, graphic designers and for people who just want to rest at evening and draw little sketch without preparing all that traditional stuff, brushes, water, paper.
– These brushes are pressure-sensitive so you need a graphics tablet to use them!
– Tested and works at Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC
– Brushes look like real and with some skills they can look like oils and pastel chalk too, just keep experimenting!
– To install brushes drop them into photoshop folder ( …Adobe Photoshop – Presets – Brushes )